My home for the past month has been in a place far from Vermont, the Himalayas. Although the contrast of the East to the West is evident almost every moment here, I find myself slowly growing accustomed to the differences to my life back in Cabot. I am comforted by the vastness of the mountains that surround me, scraping the sky, soaring higher and higher, their peaks are out of sight. I love the feeling that I get as I stand next to these monsters of land. I am so miniscule as I stand at the base of these mountains, yet I am so enormous, so valiant standing at the top.
We returned back to SECMOL last week from our five-day trek and homestay. Staying with a Ladakhi family, in a Ladakhi household completely exposed me to a whole new side to where we are. The means of simplicity that these people live by is, to me, incredible. We hiked to villages that didn’t have roads leading to them. In areas this remote, yaks became the means of transportation. I remember staying in one household where our five-year old brother would help with chores around the house. He carried stacks of dried dung, and wood toward the room we were staying in so we could stay warm next to the stove throughout the night. Later in the evening, after dinner, we all danced to the scratchy tapes of Ladakhi pop songs that played off of the radio sitting by the bucket of water, used for washing. The Ladakhis are by far the hardest working, and most compassionate people that I have ever met. Their energy and resilience to us indolent Americans still seems amazing.
Days before our trek a woman from Leh came to SECMOL to lead us through a full day of Vipassana meditation. Sitting on my mat for hours on end gave me a chance to really process everything that has been happening over this past month. Being here at SECMOL I often forget the significance of my self-reflection. Ladakh is filled with so many aspects that seem so substantial to this trip that at times I find myself moving fast, never slowing down. I get so caught up in the desire to experience it all, that I forget the importance of letting it all sink in.
During meditation I thought a lot about the idea of reaching emptiness or enlightenment, a concept of Buddhism that we have been discussing a lot during our classes. Emptiness, like the law of karma, discusses how everything on Earth is interdependent. I like this concept, this idea that I am in a sense connected to everything around me, and everything is somehow connected with me.
I carry my Vermont pride and I stand with my feet firm in Ladakh.
Ella I love you so much. I am crying right now. Your writing is so beautiful. Keep on writing. I hope you are keeping a journal. I miss you so much. You are so incredible and must be having such amazing experiences. We all think of you every day and I send sooo much love to you. I will send more chocolate. I love you so much. I wish I could see your amazing self. You are incredible.
Love your big sister- sofia pia
Hi, Ella! It is so great to hear from you through that marvelous blog thing. You and your friends have provided us with an acute and detailed sense of what you are up to. I must say it is overwhelming, amazing and makes me wish that we could be there with you. We of course miss you terribly but we are so pleased that you are having such a great and inspiring experience. All is well here of course. Nothing much is new that I can think of off hand. Same old same old. Grandma joins me in wishing you everything good including our love and respect.
PS We have sent you chocolate. It is in the package that your parents are sending by currier.
Hi Ella, we are so thrilled about this new way of communication...the blog is fantastic... so much more than I ever dreamed of. There are two packages in route to you now. Hopefully one of them will make it
soon. We all are thinking of you all the time.
Its been raining all day today and the snow is getting
mushy and dirty. Michael and I will be for a couple of days in New York...Keep on journaling, you will be so happy to have your journal to read about all this later back at home. Lots and lots of hugs and kisses. - Uli
Dear Ella,
I am so thrilled to read your thoughts on your time in Ladakh. It is such a amazing opportunity to be part of this ancient and wise culture. Your writing is beautiful, sensitive and insightful. I hope you write a lot. Get your film camera fixed so you can photograph this amazing place as well. Now that you have been there for a month you will have great insights into the beauty of the landscapes and people. I am not sure if the camera we sent will make it. It seems that shipping electronics is difficult. If you can find a really good camera in Leh we would send you the money.
I just arrived in NYC for another trade-show. Sofia is going to come into the city tomorrow. I am really looking forward to see her. She is doing so great. Maybe we will go out for Tibetan food tomorrow and think of you.
Love you always.
Oh Ella,
It is so great to read your writing. absolutely beautiful. It sounds like you are having an amazing experience, i wish i could be there with you. I can't wait to hear all about your adventures on teh blog and when you get home. We all miss you sooooo much, Cabot just isn't the same without you. Nick, Lill, and I tried calling the other week but couldn't get through, we will try again though. I LOVEEEEE YOU and am soo proud of everything that you are doing in Ladak. You amaze me. <3 julia
Hey Ella!
You writings are so beautiful! I always remember that time we studied India in 6th grade and have wanted to visit since then. I'll have to live vicariously through your photos :) Take care, it sounds soooo lovely there!
Dear Ella,
It is so great to get to known what going on in your life far away in the Him. Your writing is absolutely beautiful. It sounds like you are having an amazing time with a lot of powerful experiences. Take care and enyjoy every second.
Matthias,Claudia, Franziska, Finn and Oma + Opa
oh Ella Bella ! i miss you so much! This blog is wonderful! it sounds like you are having an amazing time! I wish I could be there with you! Cabot just doesn't compare to DC and it's even harder without you here! I love and miss you so much and think of you often! Call or write anytime!
P.S. My mom wants to know what you are doing in the picture above your blog entry!
Dearest Ella,
WOW! Your blog is wonderful... but not as wonderful as you. And of course I love to read your writing–– as always! You just get better and better, and I, prouder and prouder... but not as proud as your parents & your Sofia, I'm sure.
I miss you at Cabot, yet know you are having an opportunity far beyond amazing.
I remember when I went to France in high school, my father wrote me to "make sure you take advantage of all the cultural opportunities, even if your host doesn't..." and I admit I laughed a little, but now I find myself wanting to say something similar to you. But you already know this....
So much love,
Julia (H., not G.! :-) )
Good morning from America, Ella! This blog thing is so helpful. Without it we would have no way of being in touch with you. We miss you but are so happy to read of the amazing life and adventures you and your friends are having. The big news at home is that the Green Mountain Film Festival is in full swing and there are the first glimmering of spring to be deduced from the coarse, slushy snow. We have seen a lot of great films. Last night at one of these shows Judy Grainger came up to ask about you. Like everyone else, she is in awe of you and of the entire amazing program. Anyway, all's well and we look forward to hearing all your stories and seeing all your photographs and sketches in something like six weeks! Grandma sends her love, too. Love, Grandpa Bobbo
Ella, Ella!
Wow, you are really there, in Ladakh-- and, reading your words, IT is in you!
Your few words convey amazing images, your little brother's work to keep you warm, dancing to scratchy music, standing in the vastness of those HIMS we can only imagine... Thank you for sharing the realness and wonder of your experiences.
Meanwhile, it was good to see your grandfather-- and once again hear his delight for you- and Sofia. It always makes me grin.
You strong, imaginative and loving Cabot girls just fill me with joy for how you engage with life.
Much love, Judy
My dear Ella-
It is one thing to go on such journey, which you did, and another to be able to reflect on your experiences as they happen and take it all in. Your reflections convey a deep understanding of the power in refleting and I am just in awe of how you are taking it all in! I am always amazed with students who have these wonderful experiences!
And to be very much in the Cabot School world: I have started working with the juniors making plans for senior year and getting ready. As I read your blog, I cannot wait to work with you! Your writing is beautiful! Finding that perfect place for you after graduation, as perfect as Bard is for Sofia, will be such a pleasure!
I, too, would love to see photos when you return... but I will pass on a gift given to me during my college travels that has stayed with me for 30 years (although you may already have figured this out--I needed to be told!). I was lamenting the fact that I was camera-less in Europe. A fellow traveler explained what he called "heart pictures". He said to look long and hard at something, to take it in on every level (visual, emotional, sounds, smells, etc) and then close my eyes and let it imprint on my heart. These 'photos' are, of course,just for you and not others, but I can say that the 'photos' I took remain vivid and meaningful 30 years later.
I am envious of this life-changing adventure and I am so excited for you to come back and share it with us! Be well- Sue
Hey, Ella! How you doing? We are so far from you ... we are in a different planet. How about a note - to the blog even if not to us? You must be a part of that exotic scene by now and we confess to being curious about your life and adventures. All is well here. We are impressed that spring came finally for a visit as we will be when you come to make yours. We love you very much and can't wait to see you. But of course when you arrive, grandma and I will be off on our own adventures, grandma to Italy and me to Russia. But we will be back about a week after you do. Until then, Bobbo
Hi Ella,
We are on vacation week here in Cabot. There is still 2-3 feet of snow all around. But the sky is blue and crisp and over in Cabot Village, there are crocci just coming up...a promise of Spring and hope.
I love reading your comments....about wanting so much to experience it all that you sometimes forget to take time to let it all sink in. Meditation is perfect for think on it all and then let your mind empty (or fill) to that place where all is a part of everything else. Thank you for sharing at least some of your experience. I look forward to some taste of a very different world.
Helen Morrison
Oh Ella! What can I say, but that I am so very happy for you! To be able to experience such things at this time of your life is so fantastic. Explore, feel, enjoy...and just BE there. Keep taking such deep breaths of life. This is only the beginning of a long and amazing journey. We here at Cabot School miss your beautiful smile and can't wait to hear all about everything...I just know there's a book in you somewhere...sometime! Much love, Cheryl L.
Hi Ella,
Though I haven't written I think of you a lot. I think about what you are eating, how the weather is, if you are sick of "roughing it" and most of all if you are drawing in your journal everyday. I hope you, what a story you have to show everyone. The sun is finally out here and we were able to work in the garden during vacation. I have been painting a lot and Billy's class has been really productive this winter. We all look forward to seeing you soon. Ruth K.
Ella! I miss you! you write really well! i hope you come home soon. as i hear your coming on my b-day which is really cool! cant wait to see you love Maria
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