March 7, 2008
No Pudge brownie mix stirred with water
Tin glasses
Processed peanut butter
Laughter & smiles
The Shins blasting out of my Ipod
A Friday night well spent with Jansyn, Terri, Tess, Emma, Ashleen and Ella, each beautiful people inside and out, having different qualities to share.
Up to now, the countless days spent in the breath taking Himalayans nestled at the indirect heart of India has taught and shown me more than I have ever gathered in my 16 years spent in the comforting hills of Vermont. This program is greater than anything and everything I could have ever possibly asked for. Mom, Dad and Curtis, in hopes that you read this, I send thankfulness once again.
Living here has taught me how to just simply be. Be in the moment, be willing, be open, be calm, be exploratory, to be myself. I’ve let my mind slip into a state of easiness that no longer consists of scattered thoughts about desires and expectations. This place no longer has expectations. I discovered that you can’t have expectations while here. You just have to be ready to embrace. Embrace the genuine smiles that the Ladakhis are constantly flashing at you. Embrace the undeniable laughter that is shared. Just embrace and just be, for the days are numbered and the months go way to fast
Every day here at Secmol becomes more and more pleasing and having the sun constantly beaming down makes for a better vibe in all. Walking to the kitchen each morning, I can hear the voices of Secmol students mixed with VIS as I come down the steps. Once I push open the door, which occasionally is hard to budge, the day is started in a place I have become so accustomed too. Having to adjust and adapt to a completely different culture and environment wasn’t challenging at all. The VIS students have become miraculously close so finding comfort in any one of them isn’t a far reach and the Secmol students, whether they pull you by the arm or come and lean on your shoulder, their welcoming attitudes makes you feel as though you really belong and are wanted to stay.
I wish I could cram you in on everything we do, say and the settings of each day. It feels like all things here should be written down and captured, for each moment is treasured like no other. The thing is though that this location is indescribable. No text could come remotely close in describing the emotions that come over a person while in this place. Pictures don’t even capture the true beauty that India holds. The sounds that you hear on a daily basis; the 5 repetitive Ladakhi songs that are constantly playing, distant voices of boys and girls, ice hokey games taking place right outside your room window, the cars coming and going on the impassable roads, become so familiar, I can even sing along to some of the songs.
its difficult to think that you are so many miles away,but its good to read about how your doing, and what you are doing. im stoked to read more and especially stoked to hear storys from you when you come to vermont. ta ta for now
Elise-I am so pleased you are enjoying your unique experience there. Pls use the journal I sent to record your thoughts & take lots of pictures. I plan on a visit to VT when you come home--you better come home! Much Love, Aunt Nancy
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